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Security Essentials Core Concepts

  • Monday, July 30, 2018 at 10:30 AM EST (2018-07-30 14:30:00 UTC)
  • Ted Demopoulos

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Security is anything but new: humans have had security concerns since the dawn of time, and security fundamentals have not changed since then. How we implement security fundamentals can and often does change as technology advances.

Security core concepts have nothing to do with technology. Although we often focus on securing digital assets and hence technology based security controls, concepts such as authentication, defense in depth, least privilege, perimeter protection, and risk management are not based on technology.

This talk explains core security concepts, which have been constant for millennia and whose understanding are critical for securing our assets. Unless these are understood and implemented well, no cutting edge or other tools, techniques, or technologies matter.

This talk will also be invaluable if you are studying for the GSEC, GSLC, CISSP, and many other certifications!

Speaker Bio

Ted Demopoulos

Ted Demopoulos' first significant exposure to computers was in 1977 when he had unlimited access to his high school's PDP-11 and hacked at it incessantly. He consequently almost flunked out but learned he liked playing with computers a lot. His business pursuits began in college and have been continuous ever since. His background includes over 25 years of experience in information security and business, including 20+ years as an independent consultant. Ted helped start a successful information security company, was the CTO at a "textbook failure" of a software startup, and has advised several other businesses. Ted is a frequent speaker at conferences and other events, quoted often by the press. He also has written two books on Social Media, has an ongoing software concern in Austin, Texas in the virtualization space, and is the recipient of a Department of Defense Award of Excellence. In his spare time, he is also a food and wine geek, enjoys flyfishing, and playing with his children.

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